Saturday, November 24, 2012


Joel decided that since he had three weeks off during the time of Alaina's birth that he would grow his facial hair out.  And since it worked out perfectly with the month of Movember (the month formerly known as November, is a moustache growing charity event held during November each year that raises funds and awareness for men's health and cancer) he decided that he would make a pretty mean moustache.  The beard was getting pretty overgrown in my opinion, and then yesterday I got blessed with this look from my husband.  Yuk!  I think I will take the overgrown beard over this any day. 

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Alaina Rae

Alaina Rae Anderson joined our family on November 9th, 2012 at 12:56 PM, weighing 7 pounds, 2 ounces and was 20 3/4 inches long.  Alaina has been such a great baby.  I cannot believe how she can sleep through the noise of Ava all day, but she does.  She really only will cry when she needs something, which is a lot different experience than we had when Ava was an infant.  Really the only thing that has been difficult is how hard Ava is having with the adjustment of a new member added to the family, and Ava not being the only child that got all the attention.  Everyone says it will get easier with time...and I sure hope that starts to happen sooner than later.  Ava would not even touch her or want to be in the same room the first few days, and now she will pat Alaina's head and ask to hold her every once in awhile.  We just need to work on Ava not getting so upset when Alaina starts to cry. 
Alaina is a great addition to our family.  We love her so much and can tell that she will bring a great amount of joy to all of our lives. 


Thursday, November 8, 2012

Ballet / Tap Class

Ava had her first Ballet/Tap class today. I was worried about how she would do because parents are not allowed in the room. Also the class is for 3 - 5 year olds and Ava is not even 3 yet. However, she did great!! She danced and listened to the teacher for the most part. 50 minutes is a long time for a 3 year old to stay focused, but Ava loves to dance. After class we asked her which was her favorite between Ballet and Tap and she said that she liked Ballet the best. That did not surprise Joel or I at all. I am just glad that I was able to see one of her classes before the baby arrived. We go into the hospital at midnight tonight to get induced. 

It is fun to see Ava in Ballet class.  I remember going to ballet when I was younger too.  I hope that she continues to love to sing and dance, because she is so cute with both of them. 

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Pumpkin Party

This is a really late post. It should have been done a few weeks ago, but that is just how life is around here lately.  It is my due date today with baby girl #2, and since we still have no baby I thought I would try to catch up on a few things. 
A few weeks ago I signed Ava up for a pumpkin party art class.  She was so excited to go and paint a pumpkin.  The class was fun, and Ava loved every minute.  Ava loves doing anything with crafts...which I just adore. 

They made these pumpkin hats to wear while painting

The little girl next to Ava is her friend Charlotte.

Happy Fall!!