Monday, December 29, 2008


Christmas is such a beautiful time of year no matter where you live or what you do. It is a time to reflect on our Savior Jesus Christ and all that he has done for us. And it is a time to reflect on the importance of his birth and what it truly meant to have him walk, and teach on this earth. Christmas is also a time to spend time with family if you are able to do so. Joel and I were able to see a little bit of both our families over Christmas this year, even with the crazy snow fall that we have been having.

On Christmas Eve we went to Joel's Parents house to have dinner, read the Christmas story out of Luke and open presents. This is usually a huge event, but due to the weather only a few of his siblings were able to make it home for Christmas this year. Then on the drive home our car broke. I know that things like this happen to everyone, and it really was not that big of a deal, except that it was a blizzard and we had no heat or power in the car, and had to wait for Joel's dad to come help us out. We were so thankful to be safe at home later that night.
Then on Christmas day Joel and I were not able to get to my Mom's place due to the snow and lack of a vehicle, so my family came to us. My mom and Mike and my brother David both have big 4-wheel drive vehicles, so they were able to make it to our house. We had a pizza lunch and then open presents.

Joel and I got a stepping stone for the yard that says families are forever.
Lots of our family on both sides decided not to do gifts this year, and we were fine with that. The best part of Christmas is just to be with people you enjoy and love.
Then after Christmas, I was able to see one of my closest friends - Rachel - who has moved away to Utah to work, but was home for Christmas. I love when she comes home. Her and Shavonne came over to my house for a few hours and we just chatted and had a great time together. I only wish it could have been a longer visit.

(Rachel, Jen and Shavonne)
Joel and I are just grateful to have a home, jobs, and such wonderful friends and family.
We are looking forward to what 2009 has in store for us.


Shavonne said...

that is a really cool stepping stone! It was really great to see you again and to visit. We need to visit more often and not wait until Rachel comes to get together! Happy New Year!

Black Family said...

Oh I am so sad I could not be there! Love and miss ya! Sorry for the phone tag....things are just so crazy and every time I want to call you I think you will be at work and we go to bed at like 8:30 and it is 5:30 I wait and then get busy again. Can't wait to talk though!